Become An Agent

Okay to become a secret agent you either need to be 30 days old or get one of your buddies to send you an EPF invite.

When you've got the invite got to the Everyday Phoning Facility and you should see a big electrical board.

Next to it you should see a target, you need to throw a snowball at this.

Once you've done that you need to run from a green square to a red square as fast as you can it's fearly easy.

Next you should be asked to hide. What I usually do is hide behind one of these big beams.

Also I'd go and chuck a snowball at camera two.

After this it should ask you start peppering same cage trap thing. The trick with this is to shut down the cage trap before it finishes peppering. You do this by chucking a snowball at the little electric box.

Congrats! Your now an EPF agent and should have your spy phone!