Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hi guys i found gary yet again!
except this time it was with one of my other penguins called Nitram98. He was on snow cap at the mine shack!
- Go Roos 23

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hi dudes!!!!!!!!

guess what! I found G!!!! He was on Sleet in the monster room. He has a new background check it out!!!!
- Go Roos 23

more posts tommow!

Club Penguin Candy Hunt Cheat 03

Go to the beacon and next to the telescope there it should be.

Club Penguin Candy Hunt Cheat 2

Go to snow forts and it should be hiding in the pine trees.

Club Penguin Candy Hunt Cheat 1

The First one is at the beach hiding in one of the pine trees.

Ghost Costume Cheat!!!!

Hey guys to get the ghost costume go inside the haunted house and you should see a big box that has ghost costumes and big sgn that says "FREE!" P.S. It's only for members

BOO! CP Halloween Cheats!!

Hi Guys happy halloween!

The club penguin halloween has started.

its pretty awesome!!!!

Espically for members!!!

A free item for members and non members is in the plaza in a huge box that says "FREE!!!"

Pitcures Of My Penguin!

Hi guys!!!!
i finally got some pics of my penguin!
Like him?
Waddle On!!!
-Go Roos 23

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Surf Catalog Cheats

Hi guys,
a cheat for ya here,
How to get the silver surfboard:
Step 1: Go To The Cove
Step 2: Click On The Surf Cataolog
Step 3: Click On The "S" In Waves
Wal la! P.S. It's only for members (sorry non members)
Waddle on!!
- Go Roos 23

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mega Party, Mega Fail.

Hi guys Go Roos 23 here,
this years party isn't that good.
I mean the decorations are okay, but i thought there would be more stuff being handed out. As 619 Rey Dx said it was horrible. I Can only hope next year is better. If you wanna get the hat it's at the coffee shop in a box.
-Go Roos 23

get a life disney

CP Embarressment!

Club Penguin have let themselves go. The wet, cough riddled, 5th Anniversary Party was a joke.
I can only hope that Billybob is reading this. It is terrible! Next should be better. 619 Rey Dx.

Help the team!

Hi guys We need ur help.

How do you get photos of websites?

And we would love to hear your suggestions for the website.
So plz commet on this arcive.

Thanks!! Waddle On!!

-Go Roos 23

Friday, October 22, 2010

More Free Accounts!

Sorry we couldn't get any photos guys. Go Roos 23 here. Another account for u guys!

Well find a way to get photos soon.

The account Username:Kobecf Pass:qwertyuiop. Enjoy!!!!!
Another one is Footymadad. Password: ad2010

Free Accounts!

HI! Guess whaaaatt??? I'm giving u all an account. Username: Jasoiyazcruz. Password: 21guns.
-619 Rey Dx!
Hi I have a new member of the site, Go Roos 23!!!!

Hi Go Roos 23 here!
Ill try to help ya a bit with cp.

Hey if you ever want to meet me on cp my favourite server is Vanilla so is 619 Rey Dx's.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CP Cheat 8! pins!

Gold feather is at the mine. Carrot is at the dance club!


Press e and s for a skull! Press e m 4 coin. E n shows moon. E q and e w is an ice cream cone- strawberry, then chocolate!

Club penguin cheat 6!

Press j to tell a joke!

Club Penguin cheat 5!

Hi. To sit down press s. This will look VERY cool when you're holding a computer or a book.

Sorry dudes! Only CP!

Sorry guys but I'm only going to blog about cp. SORRY! :(


YO YO YO! One more guyz! And galz! Press e and t! Aunt Arctic thinks it's hilarious!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This is a cool emote u can do! press p and control!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hello again! Here's cheat 2! For newbies! Go to the forest and click on the boulder. Congrats, you've found the secret cave! Too easy.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Here is my first CP cheat for newbies! Go to the book room and flip to the end of Rockhopper's Journal and Rockhopper and the stowaway! There will be an item at the end of each one!


MEEEEEE!!!!! Comment on which famous penguin you wanna meet! I want to meet G!


Hi i am a new blogger please stay tuned!