Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do you like Glee?

YEAH! So what? Go to our Glee blog, Don't Stop Beliving at See you there!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Party Today!

Hi guys today i'm having a party on Vanilla

The times:
3:31pm PST (Which is now!) to 4:25pm PST.
Here's what I look like at the moment so you can find me:

I'll be at the Town then the Dojo then the water Dojo then I'll open my igloo on Map for you guys to come in.
See ya there!
- Go Roos 23

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hi guys
 I'm pretty happy about how my blogs going so once we get to 850 views I will give out two coin codes, no joke to coin codes. But if something comes up or a delay i might not put the coin codes up. But remember we need to get 850 views tell your friends the address at
The quicker we get the 850 vewis the quicker the coin codes come!
Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

New Water Dojo!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Guys I met sensei today! By mistake too! I went on vanilla and I wanted to check out the water dojo I got into the ninjahideout and it said stamp earned Sensei. He looks so cool check out his water suit!
- Go Roos 23

Things coming up on the blog...

Hi guys just wanted to tell you soon there will be a new member of the blog...
I won't tell you who but stay tuned to see who is joining the party. Oh by the way the newbe has already got there own cheat blog. Who do think it is?
And I would like to know what would my veiwers like to see on the blog? Tell me and it will most likely be up on the blog with all creidits going to the person who suggested it.
- Go Roos 23

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Online now!

Hi guys im online on arctic at the dojo at the moment, See you there!
By the way here's the new free item a bucket it's at the snow forts.

Go Roos 23 back!!!

hi guys I haven't been on for a while because my computer wouldn't work but now I'm back. I'm sorry to the owners of Ms Moon 1 and Kobecf for my friend 619 Rey Dx posting your accounts on our blog without asking. But expect me to be on tonight on vanilla checkin out this new water dojo.
Peace Out,
- Go Roos 23

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

here they are!

Cool penguins!

Here are a few other cool penguins to check out!

New outfit!

I have a new outfit!It's pretty cool! Here it is! And check out the coins!


Oh my gosh!!! There are water pipes everywhere! But why? CARD-JISTSU WATER!
Cool, huh?-619 Rey Dx

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DARN! It's raining still!

It's STILL RAINING! Get an umbrella or you're gonna be one wet and soggy penguin! WADDLE ON!!!

500 BC

Help! Me ate a dinosaur. Me die now.

ALMOST THERE! Plus sorry.

Sorry I was being such a whining little brat. Anyway, WE ARE ALMOST AT 500 VIEWS! And do I remember my promise? HELL YEAH BRO!
619 Rey Dx


If you feel something REEEEEEEEEALLY sucks in your life then think of this. I practised a whole hour
EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR 2 MONTHS and I STILL didn't make the school soccer team. I can tell,
this sort of this is just plain RIGGED!-
619 Rey Dx
PS: The worst thing is, this is NON FICTION!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

619 Rey Dx Tracker

Now at light house! here is an image

619 Rey Dx online!

619 Rey Dx is online!!!
Server: Rainbow
Room: Town

Club Penguin Cheats 2D Max Cheats Bash!!!!

Hi 619 Rey Dx and Go Roos 23 here,
both of us together givin you cheats.
Go Roos 23 online
Room: Town
- Go Roos 23 and 619 Rey Dx

Sneak Peak Of The Trackers!!!

Hi guys I'm gonna give you a sneak peak of what the trackers i have made might look like. Comment and tell me whether i should change, tweak or keep the trackers.

Go to this site here to see them:

Remember be shore to comment and tell us what you think.
-Go Roos 23 

grab your umbrella!

Hi guys Go Roos 23 here,
It's raining in CP!!! But why?
I suggest grab an umbrella fast because those clouds in the distance are getting greyer and greyer everyday.
-Go Roos 23

Friday, November 5, 2010

We are not alone!

Our blog is pretty cool, but you should check out Jake's blog, or Gloop125's!
619 Rey Dx


I'd like to give out some credits:

1. Gloop125 for helping with advertising the blog and helping with create a couple of things.

2. My budd 619 Rey Dx for givin out book codes for our fellow blog viewers

3. To the people who have actually viewed our blog

4. and of course OUR FOLLOWERS!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Pics Of 619 Rey Dx's Posts

Hi guys Go Roos 23 here i'm just givin you some pics of what 619 Rey Dx has posted

The New Pin:

Book Codes:

And the mysterious penguins being givin away.....

New follower!

GREAT! A new follower! To my followers: when we get twenty followers I will give out a few COIN CODES!- 619 Rey Dx!
PS: That's right, no joke!


New pin at the beach, the tap pin.- 619 Rey Dx


I know people looooove looking for some CP accounts, so comment an account please!

Book Codes!

Here are some book codes from the Ultimate Official Guide to CP!

Q: What is the word on page 35?
A: Misses

Q: What is the word on page 38?
A: Scavenger

Q: What is the word on page 40?
A: Examples

Q: What is the word on page 62?
A: Picture

Q: What is the word on page 63?
A: How

Q: What is the word on page 64?
A: Fishing

Q: What is the word on page 65?
A: Storage

Q: What is the word on page 73?
A: Search

Q: What is the word on page 75?
A: Tossing

Q: What is the word on page 77?
A: Buying

Q: What is the word on page 101?
A: Donated

Q: What is the word on page 117?
A: Jerseys

Q: What is the word on page 118?
A: Squads

Q: What is the word on page 140?
A: Breeze

Q: What is the word on page 141?
A: Combined

Q: What is the word on page 143?
A: Secret

Q: What is the word on page 155?
A: Queen

Q: What is the word on page 156?
A: Small

Q: What is the word on page 169?
A: Start

Q: What is the word on page 171?
A: Annual

Q: What is the word on page 175?
A: Crown

Q: What is the word on page 176?
A: Item

Q: What is the word on page 179?
A: Penguins

Q: What is the word on page 182?
A: Actions


Thank you guys, especially Go Roos 23! Over 200 hits- AND a follower!
I really couldn't be happier! When we get 500 hits I will give out a lot of CP accounts!
THANKS!- 619 Rey Dx

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Penguins to look out for!!!!

sorry if the piture is a little bit small. Just zoom in on your computer to see it properly. If you can see it without zooming in that's fine.

P.S. I've made a a tracker that tracks me and a tracker that tracks 619 Rey Dx!!!!! So stay tuned to the blog for the trackers. Who knows you could meet me or 619 Rey Dx and we might add you!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

I've been added to the site!

Hello guys,
today I finally got added to the blog!!!
619 Rey Dx and I have almost sorted out everything with the blog.

We are currently working on the banner. By banner we don't mean something that bans people we mean a little pitcure in the title. I know we have one now but that will be there temporarily.

- Go Roos 23