Friday, January 28, 2011

Awesome Multi Log In Glitch!!!!

Guys club penguin have made one of the their biggest mistakes ever! You know when you have to club penguins tabs open and on one of them it won't let you in, well now if you do it it will actually work!!!!

I logged on as Go Roos 23 my penguin and my other penguin Nitram98 all in the one Internet browser!!

Here's what to do
  • Log in as one of your penguins
  • Go on to a server
  • Stay in the same room your in on that server
  • Now open another club penguin tab
  • Then log in as another one of your penguins
  • Go to the same Server and Room! (Optional)
Bang you should be online with two penguins!

(Sorry about the no pics, i was kinda hard to get a picture of me logged on as two penguins)

It Works Trust Me!
- Go Roos 23

Newspaper Issue 276 Realessed!

The Penguins That Time Forgot At The Stage!

Hi guys the play of the penguins that time forgot is back at the stage! Check it out!

Here's the catalouge!

There's only one cheat in the catalouge, click the "g" in the forgot and you'll get the grass skirt.

C ya!
- Go Roos 23

Thursday, January 27, 2011


People the EPF mainframe is under attack again! Head to System Defender Now!! Execpt this time the protobot didn't attack..... HERBERT DID.  Take a look!!

Once you've defeted him congrats!

C ya!
- Go Roos 23

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thank you party!

Go Roos 23 and I would like to thank you! We have just looked at our stats and we have people who have viewed us in Denmark! Tak! People in Malaysia and Indonesia! Terima kasih! People in Croatia! Hvala! People in Hungary! Koszonom! And the UK and America! THANKS! And lastly, in Australia! Thanks!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Brown Puffle Glitch!

Hi guys! It seems that the club penguin staff have made a mistake with the brown puffle. Here's what happened when I clicked my brown puffles player card...

I swear this is not an actual orange puffle its my brown puffle!

Awesome eh?
- Go Roos 23


hi guys not only is the free brown puffle in the bworn puffle cave, well today cp has realessed a new free item! Here it is!

it's a free brown puffle house for your igloo! like it?

- Go Roos 23

New Field Opp

The new field opp is in the wilderness (that maze near the dock.)

When you go there your spy phone should turn green like this.

Next click on your spy phone and this should come up

So basically this weeks field opp is a game of traffic lights.

Let me explain see the triangle with the green circle around it means its right and in the right spot, and the square with the yellow circle around it means its right but in the wrong spot. Got it yet?

Once you've done that congrats you get another EPF medal. Oh yeah once you've finished the field opp you'll get a message from G.....

I'll give you a clue of who re - built the protobot.... it's a very familiar bear and his pet crab........

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Guys the brown puffle has been found around the island!!! You can buy it in a special room during the expotion!!! Heres a pitcure a penguin with a brown puffle

If you wanna know how to get it view our mountain expotion guide!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Go Help EPF Now!

Well the epf have this new game and its kinda like the game bloons td 4 its called system defender, check it out!

C ya
- Go Roos 23

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

blogroll issue fixed

You know how i posted about that virus page on AA crew well I have received the news from Anna1090 that it is safe. You can still use AA crew and every single one of its pages. It is safe completely safe! I wish I could view it but I'm probably an enemy of AA crew now. Just to recap AA crew is safe!!! I'm also going to delete the post that i posted about it being dangerous. Because its safe!!!
AA crew I'm sorry.

Peace Out
- Go Roos 23