Friday, May 20, 2011

New Message From Rookie

Can't Read it? It says:
Everything looks clean to me so far except puffle pens - they're 
a bit smelly. But not suspicious - smelly. Just regular smelly.

New Epf Message

Can't read it? It says:

Temper temper, Jet Pack George.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New field opp guide

Hi there guys here is the guide for the new field opp!
First go to the EPF command room and go to the field opps sign and click it

Then click accept field opp

Then go to cave/pool and stand right about here.

Then click on your spyphone and complete the field opp it's pretty easy and it will tell you what to do at the start.

This is the message you get when your done

Good luck agent!
- Go Roos 23

Herbery is really come and show his face to the medieval party

Yo, I KNEW we couldn't trust you Herbert! I dare you to show your face at the Medieval Party - we're ready for you anytime, anyplace!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Im back blogging here!

Hi guys!

I'm back to blogging here!
You don't need to go to smelly wordpress anymore!
I'm staying here because blogger is simply better for a club penguin blog.

So yeah you guys can stay here now!

- Go Roos 23

Friday, May 6, 2011

Why are people still coming here?!?!

Hi guys!
I noticed that some people are still visiting here! But why? You guys should moved to the new site here!

But I did manage to accomplish 3000 hits :D. But annoyingly right when I moved sites >:l

Anyway this blog is practically memories now! Unless I decide to come back, which I might do, some of you might know that the only reason I moved to wordpress was to some testing to see whether it was better than blogger and so far blogger it better.

- Go Roos 23