Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt Guide!

Hi guys!
here are the cheats for the easter egg hunt!

1. Go to the dojo and click on the tree

2. Go to the dock and click on the bush

3. Go to the forest and click on the little golden egg in the bushes

4. Go to the cave/pool and click on the lifeguard chair

5. Go to the mine shack and click on the egg in the tree

6. Go to the ski lodge attic and click on the egg near the couches

7. Go to the ski hill and click on the egg near the toboggan

8. Go to the snowforts and click on the lightbulb egg that should pop up when it snows

Now your done! You can claim your prize!

You get an awesome background!

Happy Easter!
- Go Roos 23

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