Friday, July 22, 2011


I got bored today so I went club penguin to try to entertain myself  but instead I just got more bored. But anyway I logged on and went wtf when the plaza was looking like this.

then I remembered that club penguin have an adventure party each year.So here is my quick guide of what items and stuff i manged to find. First off Rockhopper's ship is at beach and of course rockhopper always brings at least free item with him last time he brought a crappy background, what did he bring this time? This...

One word.. NINJA. The puffle bandana is way better than a background :\
In the same room I managed to find an epicness pin check it...

Once again... NINJA. Then I found another pin at iceberg...

Then after i clicked yes i got this message...

This is when I realized these pins were clues so I did what it said and went to dock. I couldn't see a pin, so I  just started random clicking and i clicked on a part of a boat and put it on another and started to build a boat. Then I realized that's what I had to do to get the next pin so i did it... and it worked.

but anyway thats what i got so far.

so c ya

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