Friday, December 31, 2010

1200 Hits Party!!!!

Hi guys you might have seen some pics around the blog talking about a party I'm going to be having and at the end of the pic it says see blog for more info, well here is the info. Oh and the party has been moved to  January 7. Also so no one gets confused here are the days in different countries.

Australia: Friday, January 7
America: Thursday, January 6
Canada: Thursday, January 6
United Kingdom: Thursday, January 6

I  don't know the dates in any other countries, sorry.

Anyway the party will start at 3:30 PST (Penguin Stadered Time) and end at 4:15 PST (Penguin Standered Time) (To see the penguin standered time go to snow forst and look up at the clock tower)

Server: Glaicer
Room: Cove

To show you've come to the party just say party!!!!!!

Here's the pic going round the blog

New pin!

The new pin is at the ski hill and is some sort of fire craker thing

Plus check out the fire works at the Iceberg and at the ski hill

Happy New Year!!!
- Go Roos 23

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ruby and Ruby is back!

Well I just noticed it but Ruby and the Ruby is back at the stage!

Anyone who has been to Ruby and the Ruby before would know that they always give out a pin in ruby and the ruby but you need to click on a list of certain items on the play set in this exsact order, here they are.

1. File Cabenet

2. Rubbish Bin

3. Lamp

4. Book

5. Vase

6. Mirror

The Mirror should drop and you should see a little gem.

Now click on it

And there is a cheat in the costume trunk

Bye For Now Not Forever
- Go Roos 23

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Coin Codes update

Hi guys i do remember earlier in November I promissed I would give out a coin code but I'm having trouble getting it. I'm really sorry. So here's a coin code a found lying around the house I'm not sure wheater it works or not but you be the judge of that. If it doesn't work tell me and I'll try to get another one.
Peace Out
- Go Roos 23


Monday, December 20, 2010

Ice Rink back and New Snow & Sports Catalouge Cheats!

The Ice Rink is back!

Here are the Snow & Sports Cheats for ya

To get a Green Hockey Jesery


 To get a green Goalie Suit

To get pom poms

That's about it
See ya
- Go Roos 23

Christmas Gifts!!!!

Hi guys get your buddy to send a a present in the penguin mail because you get a free item. Thank you to Gloop125 for sending me the present!

Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Party!!!!!!

Hi guys the Christmas party has started and the Island looks awesome!!! Here are where the the first free items

The antlers are at the ski village. Plus Rockhoppers back so he has the latest pirite catalouge in his ship

Also for members theres a extra free item up in the dancle lounge but you need to earn it by plaing this game where you drop presents into penguin houses its fearly easy, anyway heres the reward

Thats not all theres a new pin too the snow globe pin its at the dock

Merry Christmas!
- Go Roos 23

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Club Penguin Wins the BAFTA award!

Hi guys yesterday billybob posted that club penguin has one the BAFTA award heres what he posted on the club penguin blog:

Hello Penguins! 

This week we've been talking about giving... And on the subject of great gifts, we wanted to say a big thank you for a gift you gave us! 

You awarded Club Penguin the Kid's Vote for best website in the BAFTA awards. For those of you who don't know, BAFTA stands for - British Academy of Film and Television Awards - it's a really big deal in the UK! 

So a HUGE thanks to all of you who voted. It means a lot to us! 

Until then... Waddle On! 

- Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on December 12 2010 12:38

(This was posted by Billybob not by me, if you would like to see this report on the club penguin blog the link is

Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Igloo!

Hi guys Go Roos 23 here, you know the holiday igloo contest thing well I've entered my igloo in and I've made look as christmasy as I can but I wanted to know what you guys might think of it so here it is
I've used a bit of stuff from here and there, what do ya think?
Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Friday, December 10, 2010

December Penguin Style Cheats

Hi guys Go Roos 23 here, Here's what the new penguin style looks like:

Open it up and on the first page here is the cheats

To get the Blue Fuzzy Hat

To get a Puffle Sweater

On the next page to get a Yellow Touqe and a Black Whirpool Snowshirt

Then click on the Yellow Puffles eyes to get the Candy Cane Wigwarmers

Go on the next page and click on the top of the tree to get the blue earmuffs

Click on  the top of one of the other trees to get a scarf                                                                                
Click on the top of the mountain to get the Blue Mittens
Go on the next page and click on the tree to get the gingerbread man coustume

Click on the top of the mountain to get the Snowman Coustume                                                                  

Click on the Blue Jingle Bell to get the Snowboard Shoes                                                                             

Rockhopper's back!

Take a look at the telescope at the beacon quickly dudes cuz Rockhopper's ship is there!

I wonder if he's gonna have a new background?
Stay tuned guys for more info on RH
Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Christmas Party Under Construction

This is what the town looks like, I circled all the construction bits and bobs.

This is what the Dance Club looks like

This is what the Dance Lounge looks like

And this is what the beach looks like

So what do you think? I think the holiday party is gonna be a blast!
Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Holiday Igloo Contest

Hi guys the igloo contest has just started make your igloo like christmas immedatly is what I would say. I don't know 'bout you but 50,000 coins sounds pretty sweet! Here's all the info Aunt Arctic posted

New Holiday Log in Page

Friday, December 3, 2010

New Pin!

The new pin is a snow flake

It's at the snow forts

Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hi guys! Wow 848 views! The coin codes will be coming soon but not right now like I said 5-7 days. But I will be having a party!!!! So nobody gets confused here's the days in different countries:
Australia - Sunday ( This weekend)
U.S.A - Saturday ( This weekend)
Canada - Saturday ( This weekend)

I'm sorry but i don't know what day it will be other countries, maybe you can wok it out and also so nobody gets confused the party will start at 6:00pm Penguin Standard Time ( Club Penguin Time) to 7:00pm Penguin Standard Time.
Go to the snow forts to see the time on the clock tower.

The server is going to Glacier. The rooms we will be in will be Town, Plaza, Forest, Iceberg, Dojo then I'll open my igloo. Any one who comes to the party will most likely have a  photo taken of their penguin and other penguins on the blog. Also I will be adding 2 people at the party! It could be you! To show you've come for the party chant out GO ROOS! GO ROOS! I hope to see you all there!
Peace Out
- Go Roos 23

Tell your friends about the party too!