Friday, December 31, 2010

1200 Hits Party!!!!

Hi guys you might have seen some pics around the blog talking about a party I'm going to be having and at the end of the pic it says see blog for more info, well here is the info. Oh and the party has been moved to  January 7. Also so no one gets confused here are the days in different countries.

Australia: Friday, January 7
America: Thursday, January 6
Canada: Thursday, January 6
United Kingdom: Thursday, January 6

I  don't know the dates in any other countries, sorry.

Anyway the party will start at 3:30 PST (Penguin Stadered Time) and end at 4:15 PST (Penguin Standered Time) (To see the penguin standered time go to snow forst and look up at the clock tower)

Server: Glaicer
Room: Cove

To show you've come to the party just say party!!!!!!

Here's the pic going round the blog


  1. Hey Go Roos, it's me Anna, and I just wanted to tell you, change the link on the sidebar please! Here is the new link:


  2. ok ive changed it to the new website, it's a shame the old one was deleted.

    C ya
    - Go Roos 23
