Thursday, September 22, 2011

I give up!

Yes I'm giving up! most of you will think im sad about it but im not i mean club penguin is the most boring game in the world now! I have no intensions of going back on club penguin and none of going on the blog again I play way better games now and you can see that on my new gaming blog I'll put a link somewhere on this post. Anyway bye! club penguin was fun while it lasted but now It is as boring as grass! You can tell I gave up on it about 5 months a go since I was getting lazy with my posts and then suddenly stopped posting all together. Enough talk and now BYE!!!!!!!!!

link to new blog here

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hey guys,
today I was looking at the sites stats... and I have to say I'm amazed. Check this out (click pic to enlarge)

I had no idea people were still visiting here!

Friday, July 22, 2011


I got bored today so I went club penguin to try to entertain myself  but instead I just got more bored. But anyway I logged on and went wtf when the plaza was looking like this.

then I remembered that club penguin have an adventure party each year.So here is my quick guide of what items and stuff i manged to find. First off Rockhopper's ship is at beach and of course rockhopper always brings at least free item with him last time he brought a crappy background, what did he bring this time? This...

One word.. NINJA. The puffle bandana is way better than a background :\
In the same room I managed to find an epicness pin check it...

Once again... NINJA. Then I found another pin at iceberg...

Then after i clicked yes i got this message...

This is when I realized these pins were clues so I did what it said and went to dock. I couldn't see a pin, so I  just started random clicking and i clicked on a part of a boat and put it on another and started to build a boat. Then I realized that's what I had to do to get the next pin so i did it... and it worked.

but anyway thats what i got so far.

so c ya

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sorry for not going on much

Hey guys,

Go Roos 23 here, I just wanted to say sorry for not posting much anymore. I have a lot of reasons to why


  1. I get a lot more homework now than I used too
  2. I play other games now that are better and more fun
  3. Club penguin is getting really boring for me
  4. Updating the blog each week is hard work
So yeah,
that is pretty much why I don't post much anymore. Ill try and post more but like I said club penguin is pretty boring for me now :\

- Go Roos 23

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Pin!

Hi guys! Club penguin have released a new pin and it's at the hidden lake. It's a red electric guitar pin.

- Go Roos 23

Penguin Style Cheats

I little video I made of the new penguin style cheats.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Sports Catalouge Cheats!

Hi guys club penguin have released a new sport catalogue! Play the video below for the cheats!

P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting for a while.

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Message From Rookie

Can't Read it? It says:
Everything looks clean to me so far except puffle pens - they're 
a bit smelly. But not suspicious - smelly. Just regular smelly.

New Epf Message

Can't read it? It says:

Temper temper, Jet Pack George.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New field opp guide

Hi there guys here is the guide for the new field opp!
First go to the EPF command room and go to the field opps sign and click it

Then click accept field opp

Then go to cave/pool and stand right about here.

Then click on your spyphone and complete the field opp it's pretty easy and it will tell you what to do at the start.

This is the message you get when your done

Good luck agent!
- Go Roos 23

Herbery is really come and show his face to the medieval party

Yo, I KNEW we couldn't trust you Herbert! I dare you to show your face at the Medieval Party - we're ready for you anytime, anyplace!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Im back blogging here!

Hi guys!

I'm back to blogging here!
You don't need to go to smelly wordpress anymore!
I'm staying here because blogger is simply better for a club penguin blog.

So yeah you guys can stay here now!

- Go Roos 23

Friday, May 6, 2011

Why are people still coming here?!?!

Hi guys!
I noticed that some people are still visiting here! But why? You guys should moved to the new site here!

But I did manage to accomplish 3000 hits :D. But annoyingly right when I moved sites >:l

Anyway this blog is practically memories now! Unless I decide to come back, which I might do, some of you might know that the only reason I moved to wordpress was to some testing to see whether it was better than blogger and so far blogger it better.

- Go Roos 23

Friday, April 29, 2011

Blog Temporarily Moved

yeah guys I'm gonna be doing some testing on wordpress. So for the latest cp cheats and news Click here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I found rockhopper 7 times today!

Hi guys!
I found rockhopper 7 times today! But I only bothered to take a picture when I met him on vanilla here some pics of me, a group of other penguin and rockhopper!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rockhopper Tracker and Chat!


Easter Egg Hunt Guide!

Hi guys!
here are the cheats for the easter egg hunt!

1. Go to the dojo and click on the tree

2. Go to the dock and click on the bush

3. Go to the forest and click on the little golden egg in the bushes

4. Go to the cave/pool and click on the lifeguard chair

5. Go to the mine shack and click on the egg in the tree

6. Go to the ski lodge attic and click on the egg near the couches

7. Go to the ski hill and click on the egg near the toboggan

8. Go to the snowforts and click on the lightbulb egg that should pop up when it snows

Now your done! You can claim your prize!

You get an awesome background!

Happy Easter!
- Go Roos 23

Earthday Party!

Hi guys the earthday party is here! The first free item is at the plaza! It's an awesome explorer hat!

Also at the dock there is a special free item for members! Click on the little sign at the dock to get a pretty cool dog costume!

Also in the ski lodge there is a new pin!

Awesome huh?
- Go Roos 23

Rockhopper is here!

Hi guys!
Rockhopper has just reached club penguin check it out!

Check out his catalogue

Happy Easter!
- Go Roos 23

New Epf Message!

New Epf Message!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Epf Message!

Agents pull out your spyphone you've got a new message!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Epf Message!

Agents look at your spyphone you've got a new message

- Go Roos 23

Sorry and page updated

I just wanted to say sorry for not updating the blog. Also I've updated the field opps page

See ya
- Go Roos 23

New Epf Message!

Agents pull at your spyphones and look at your messages! You have a new message!

- Go Roos 23

Newspaper Issue 287 Released!

looks like everything is happening on the 21st!

- Go Roos 23

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Blog!

Yo guys I've made another blog Go Roos Gaming. Click here to view it!

Friday, April 15, 2011

619 Rey Dx Quits!

Yo guys,
My partner on the blog 619 Rey Dx has quit, so that means the blog is all up to me, I might actually quit soon too, cp getting sorta boring and babyish.

- Go Roos 23

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rockhopper on his way!

Yo guys! When I finally got my web browser to load club penguin properly I went to the telescope at the beacon and saw this

C ya
- Go Roos 23

Another cp glitch!

yo guys this is what happened to me today when I logged on to cp

either my computer is screwed or cp is!

- Go Roos 23